Earth Science

February 14, 2024

This week we started our notes for chapter 7 on Plate Tectonics. We also spent some time on Tuesday learning about what our life science class will be like next year during Step Up Day. We looked at the power of the Great Flood which, as Christians, we believe was the cause of the super continent of Pangaea breaking apart into our current 7 continents. Due to the 6th grade field trip on Thursday, we will not have class again until Tuesday, Feb. 20. We will complete lesson 1 then. Next week we will also look more at our science fair project and what the write up will look like.

Earth Science

Earth Science

On Thursday, the students took their final test for Earth Science. Grades will be on RenWeb later Thursday evening. Next week I will be in DC with the 8th graders so Mrs. Schkade will be going over our weather chapter with the students. We will not have any homework...

Earth Science

Earth Science

We have been studying volcanoes this week. We have had a look at different types of lava that came from Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Fuego from their eruptions. We will take our test for this chapter on Thursday, May 9. Thanks so much for your support for your student...