Physical Science

September 6, 2023

This week we began our study of chapter 1. We have been looking at motion and describing the act of moving and giving directions. We have learned that having a reference point is necessary to accurately describe where something is located. A concrete example of this would be which direction each student lives from Hope. Some students travel north and others travel south to get here. They may be the same distance from school, but the direction is different. We will also look at speed and acceleration as we continue into the next lesson.

Physical Science

Physical Science

We are just about finished with science this year. The 8th graders took their final on Wednesday and the 7th graders will take their final next Wednesday, May 15. Science Fair projects have been graded and their write-ups will be going home in the Thursday folder. I...

Physical Science

Physical Science

It is test time. We are almost done! Our last chapter test is Monday, May 6. We will then review for our science final. The 8th graders will take their final on Wednesday, May 8 and the 7th graders will take their final Wednesday, May 15. Thanks so much for your...