Earth Science

January 24, 2024

It has taken us a while, but we have completed lesson 1 on erosion and deposition. We will now be moving onto how wind and water are continually shaping our land and leaving behind geographic beauty. My best guess at this time is that we will take our chapter 6 test on either Monday Feb 5 or Tuesday, Feb 6. I will update this next week. Students should also be investigating their science fair topic. Hypotheses are due on Monday, Jan 29. Their next step after this will be to work on their experiment plan which will need parental approval to confirm the expense and safety factors.

Earth Science

Earth Science

On Thursday, the students took their final test for Earth Science. Grades will be on RenWeb later Thursday evening. Next week I will be in DC with the 8th graders so Mrs. Schkade will be going over our weather chapter with the students. We will not have any homework...

Earth Science

Earth Science

We have been studying volcanoes this week. We have had a look at different types of lava that came from Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Fuego from their eruptions. We will take our test for this chapter on Thursday, May 9. Thanks so much for your support for your student...