Dear brothers and sisters in Christ at Hope:

You have been asking about when some more of our old, familiar practices and routines in worship services will be returning.

At its July meeting, the Board of Elders decided to implement some of those changes back beginning this Sunday, July 11:

  • Ushers will hand bulletins to worshipers as they enter the Sanctuary.
  • Offering plates will be passed during the service.
  • Ushers will take communion registration cards as communicants go up to receive the Sacrament. (Okay, that’s not this Sunday yet; but, you get the idea.)

The Sanctuary entrance will be wide open and unblocked, because the table stationed there is gone.

We will return to Communion at the rail behind the altar in the Fall.

The Saturday Service of Confession and Communion is being discontinued after this month, as more of our people return to regular Sunday attendance.  Pastor Penikis, the Elders, and the Altar Guild were glad to provide this service during the past year.  The last such service will be July 31.

The grace and peace of the Lord be with you all.