Today marks the beginning of a week long National Lutheran Schools Week (NLSW) celebration. In worship today, the students of Hope Lutheran School, a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church, will provide special music for our services. This celebration will continue all week long as we rejoice in being a Lutheran school and highlight what makes us unique. During NLSW our students will celebrate with a spirit week, all school devotions, fun activities, and a service project. Throughout all these activites we will share the love of Jesus to our students and our community. We invite you to join us today as we begin our week of celebrating why Lutheran education makes a difference!

Pastor Muller sermon theme of “Paperwork” is based on Luke 4:1-13 as we mark the first Sunday of Lent.

Those attending online, be sure to:

  1. Sign the online attendance register.
  2. Download worship bulletins and service settings.
  3. Stream our service.
  4. Contribute your offering to the LORD.