Sunday Worship – Mar. 9

Sunday Worship – Mar. 9

Today marks the beginning of a week long National Lutheran Schools Week (NLSW) celebration. In worship today, the students of Hope Lutheran School, a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church, will provide special music for our services. This celebration will continue all week...
Sunday Worship – Mar. 2

Sunday Worship – Mar. 2

Pastor Mueller’s sermon theme “Speaking of His Departure” is based on Luke 9:28-36. Join us as we celebrate the transfiguration of our Lord at 8:00 a.m. or 10:30...
Sunday Worship – Feb. 16

Sunday Worship – Feb. 16

The sermon theme “A Well-Watered Tree” for the sixth Sunday after pentecost is from Jeremiah 17:5-8. Please note we are continuing to troubleshoot the static on Pastor’s mic, we ask for your patience as we work through resolving this...
Sunday Worship – Feb. 9

Sunday Worship – Feb. 9

Today in the church year we celebrate the fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Rev. Jacob T. Muller sermon them of “Fishing for People” is based on Luke...