Lent 2 Midweek – Feb. 28

Sunday Worship – Feb. 25

In worship this morning we celebrate the installation of Mrs. Sarah Eckhoff as a called teacher to Hope Lutheran School. Pastor Bob will be using Psalm 28 as the basis for his sermon text. The choir will be providing our special music this morning.
Lent 2 Midweek – Feb. 28

Sunday Worship – Feb. 18

Today in worship we begin with the 1st Sunday in Lent as we reflect upon our sinful nature that Christ paid for with His death upon the cross. If you are following Pastor Bob’s reading of the Psalms throughout Lent you should be up to Psalm...
Lent 2 Midweek – Feb. 28

Ash Wednesday – Feb. 14

During our Ash Wednesday worship we will have the imposition of ashes as we are reminded in Genesis 3:19 “for you are dust, and to dust you shall...
Sunday Worship – Feb. 11

Sunday Worship – Feb. 11

Today in worship we will celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Please note due to ceiling repairs in the sanctuary, worship will be held in the...