Sunday Worship – Apr. 3

Sunday Worship – Apr. 3

A week from today we begin the journey through Holy Week, as we focus our eyes on Jesus, His death on the cross, and His victory over sin, death, and the devil with His resurrection on Easter Sunday. The schedule for Holy Week is:Palm Sunday – 8 & 10:30 a.m....
Lent 4 Midweek

Lent 4 Midweek

Join us for worship at 4 or 7 p.m. The Youth will be serving the Lenten dinner from 5-6:15 in Concord Hall. Come and eat and get to know the youth of our congregation. You can even grab a take-out box, if you...
Sunday Worship – Mar. 27

Sunday Worship – Mar. 27

Today for worship we will switch to Divine Service, Setting One for the remainder of Lent and through the Easter season. Our bell choir is providing special music for worship today. After the service we have two congregational meetings. The first meeting will be...
Lent 4 Midweek

Lent 3 Midweek – Mar. 23

Join us for Lenten services at 4 or 7 p.m. Dinner will be served by the mission trip team from 5-6:15 p.m. in Concord Hall, so grab a meal before or after...
Sunday Worship – Mar. 20

Sunday Worship – Mar. 20

Join us during this season of Lent. Today for the 3rd Sunday in Lent we will follow the order of Divine Service, Setting Two. Worship at 8 or 10:30 a.m. Family education hour begins at 9:20 a.m. with coffee and fellowship in Concord Hall...