Sunday Worship – Feb. 14

Sunday Worship – Feb. 14

Today in the church year, we are celebrating the Transfiguration of Our Lord. We dig further into the passage where Jesus went up onto the mountain with three of His disciples and His glory was shown to them. At last weeks voters meeting the congregation voted to...
Sunday Worship – Feb. 7

Sunday Worship – Feb. 7

This Sunday we will follow the order of Divine Service, Setting Three. Please note, we also have a Voters’ Meeting at 12:30 p.m. in the FLC for the purpose of calling a new senior...
Sunday Worship – Jan. 31

Sunday Worship – Jan. 31

For worship on January 31st we will follow the Order of Matins. If you have not been receiving the announcements via email, please contact the church office to let them...
Sunday Worship – Jan. 24

Sunday Worship – Jan. 24

Today in worship we begin National Lutheran Schools Week, where we celebrate Hope Lutheran School. The theme this year is “Sent to Serve”, our students will be learning more about how we are sent to serve throughout the...
Sunday Worship – Jan. 10

Sunday Worship – Jan. 10

2021 is a special year for those who love music in the Lutheran tradition. It is the 450th anniversary of the birth of Michael Praetorius and the 400th anniversary of his death. He was born on February 15, 1571, and died on February 15, 1621—on his 50th birthday. Most...