Lent II Midweek – Mar. 3

Lent II Midweek – Mar. 3

In this Lenten midweek series, we will meditate upon the Five Offerings in Leviticus, how they drew God’s people closer to Him, how they point to Christ, and so their significance for us. Tonight we will focus on Minchah, the grain or meal...
Sunday Worship – Feb. 28

Sunday Worship – Feb. 28

Today’s anthem, “In Thee, Lord, Have I Put My Trust,” is taken from Michael Praetorius’ nine volume series called Musae Sioniae. Verses 1 and 3 are from Volume 8 which is a collection of hymn settings in four parts–just like most of the hymns in our hymnal. Some of...
Lent II Midweek – Mar. 3

Lent I Midweek – Feb. 24

For worship tonight we will be following the order of Compline beginning on page 253 in Lutheran Service Book. The theme for midweek services during Lent is Offerings to the...

Ash Wednesday – Feb. 17

Today we begin the season of Lent as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus in the days leading up to celebrating His resurrection on Easter. https://youtu.be/c3FfN5okGbg